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Brothers in Blue: The First Love Match Page 7

  “In my bed with me.”

  She nodded and headed down the hallway. She wasn’t going to turn down an invitation.

  John’s room was neat and well organized. He had a king size four poster bed made of dark mahogany wood with a flat screen TV mounted on the wall across from it. His uniform was draped over a recliner in the corner and there was a walk in closet with the door open. It wasn’t too full of clothes; he had enough room to share some of that space. Where had that thought come from, he barely let her come into his room much less move into it for good. It was a silly thought but she liked the idea of having this room be theirs together. There was also a master bathroom attached to the bedroom, it was nothing fancy just your standard sink, glass enclosed shower and toilet. John didn’t seem like the type of guy who needed a lot of frills to be happy. While he was out in the kitchen getting a glass of water and letting the dogs romp a bit before bed Ariel went in the bathroom to freshen up. She used his mouthwash also. Looking at the big bed in the room she quickly determined that he slept on the right side closest to the door. She liked that because she always tended to want to be the furthest from the door as possible. She felt safer that way. Walking over to the other side of the bed she pulled down the covers and took off her bra, tossing it on the recliner in the corner where John had placed his uniform and belt. This was it. She climbed into the bed and the sheets felt crisp and cool and smelled like Gain detergent. He must’ve just changed the sheets. She wondered if he had done so because he had been planning the whole evening to invite her into his room. It was hard to say. John played his cards pretty close to the vest.

  John walked into the bedroom and stopped right inside the door. It was almost as if he was surprised that she was sitting in his bed. He flicked the switch by the door and the room was dark. Ariel listened to him set his glass of water by the bed.

  “Do you mind if I watch TV for a bit or do you have a hard time sleeping with it on?”

  “No, that’s fine, whatever you normally do. I can sleep with the lights on and a room full of people if I’m tired enough.”

  She felt the mattress dip as John climbed in on his side. He was nearby, she could smell his cologne and it smelled so good. John always smelled good. He turned the TV on and it was a home remodeling show that he was watching. It seemed sort of funny because that seemed like something a girl would watch, but, John was a home owner and she bet that he had done most if not all of the work on his own house himself.

  “Dinner was really good. I don’t think I’ve ever had ribs that were baked in the oven before, they were so tender.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Are you still planning on coming to my mom’s for that Sunday dinner we talked about?”

  “Yep, I took the day off.”

  “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “I know, but I wanted to.”

  John seemed to think about that for a moment.

  “My friends are jealous you know.”

  “Of what?”

  “You. It’s not every day that you come across a sweet, young and beautiful woman who not only loves dogs, but is also a really good cook and has a full time job. That’s just not a combination that you find all that often. They told me if I screw this up they want your number.”

  Ariel laughed. Picturing John giving away her phone number because he had failed at their relationship was a little unrealistic. Every minute she spent with him and it felt like she was closer to completely falling for him.

  “Would you give it to them?”

  “Hell no, you’re all mine, and I may screw up from time to time but I won’t ever mess up on purpose.”

  Ariel blushed. Her heart was swelling with pride that he felt this way about her. She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. John rolled over towards her and kissed her. The kiss was sweet and playful. Ariel immediately reached up to put her arms around his neck.

  “You better stop that.”


  “I’m serious about wanting to take things at a slow pace with us. I don’t want to rush you or the situation, even though I was selfish enough to want you sleeping in my bed next to me. You’re so much younger and innocent, that worries me. I look at you and sometimes I wonder what you see in me. “

  “I see a handsome, genuine guy who looks really good in his uniform. You are strong, confident and you make me feel safe. I feel lucky that you want to spend time with me and I look forward to spending time with you.”

  John leaned down and kissed her again, deeper this time. Ariel reached up to put her hands in his hair and hold him close to her. She didn’t want this moment with him to stop for anything.

  He seemed to be content just kissing her, but Ariel felt restless. After a few minutes she moved her hands down his sides and then up under his t- shirt. Rubbing his back under his shirt she wanted to feel him closer to her. John responded to this by holding her to him tightly and rolling over onto his back so she was on top of him.

  “You’re making this whole taking it slow thing really difficult Ariel. I may seem strong and resolved but if you press me too hard I’m going to throw the whole slow concept out the window, just make sure that this is something you’re ready for.”

  Ariel smiled a little smile down at John. He was laying underneath her on the bed and she was sitting astride him. His eyes were locked with hers as she sat up. Stretching like a cat she noticed the way he watched her body move. She gripped the bottom hem of her shirt with both hands and slowly pulled it up and then over her head. She looked down knowing that John was getting a view, his eyes were roaming all over her body and his hands came up to hold her at her hips and lean her forward. Ariel moaned out loud as one of her nipples was lightly sucked into his mouth. John’s other hand was lightly caressing and playfully touching her other breast. The sensations mixed with the heady feeling of being in this strong and wonderful man’s bed were almost too much. Ariel felt each suck of his mouth all the way into her stomach and she moaned out his name wanting more. Gently and carefully John pushed her back on his chest and held her as he rolled her onto his side. He worshipped her from the waist up with his moth and hands, touching every part of her and kissing each inch of her body until she wanted to scream. Ariel managed to still his hands with hers, she wanted to share with him the feelings that she was experiencing.

  Pulling at his shirt gently John sat up quickly to help her remove it. The shirt was thrown on the floor and Ariel got to touch and learn his body just like he had learnt hers. She nipped at his ear gently and kissed his neck where it met his shoulder earned her a groan from his throat. That was something she would file away and savor the sounds of for months. She licked a path to his nipple and took it her mouth, gently sucking like he had for her. She then kissed a path down to his belly button kissing him in circles around it while she rubbed him over his pajama pants. Lucky for and John men’s pajama pants were made with a little slit in them that gave her easy access to slip her hand inside and find his growing warmth. As she gripped his length in her hands she felt him harden, tighten and grow in her hand. Using both hands she sat up and pulled the pants off his hips exposing him, his dick leapt forward as it was freed. Ariel could see the head glistening with pre cum and leaned forward to lick it. As her mouth closed around him John let out a groan and his entire body tensed as she moved her mouth up and down his length. As she built up speed and lightly stroked his balls with her hand Mike tried to stop her.

  “Ariel you gotta stop that, I’m going to cum. “

  Ignoring him she continued to work until he went over the edge and she felt the hot spurts of salty liquid in her mouth. She continued to suck him until he stopped moving.

  After a few minutes John seemed to have recovered enough to speak with her.

  “That was amazing. Now it’s your turn.”

  Ariel lay still on the bed, John picked up the TV remote and with a flick of his wrist turned off the TV and tossed the remote on to the floor by the bed. C
oming to lay next to her again John surprised her by kissing her. This kiss was full of passion and Ariel felt her body turn to mush while he used his hands to start touching her all over again. She couldn’t think straight much less even wonder what John was thinking of doing. When she felt his hand move lower and work its way under the band of her shorts she tensed up.

  “Just relax, I promise if you want me to stop anything I will, but all I want to do is give you a taste of how you made me feel.”

  As John moved his hand lower and start to rub her clit slowly Ariel wanted to tell him to hurry up. She moved insistently against his hand but he still kept up his slow pace while he kissed her and held her to his body. Ariel could feel the need building inside of her. She needed him and moaned his name into his mouth. John stopped kissing her and sat up pulling her shorts off her body.

  “Do you trust me?”

  Ariel could only nod, but it was dark so she wasn’t sure how John knew she agreed but moments later she felt him, his breath over her and the tension seemed to only get worse as his mouth took over his tongue slowly slipping around and over her clit. Ariel knew she couldn’t take much of this, the building feelings inside of her were too much to take. Taking a deep breath to steel herself she gasped it out as John slowly slid the tip of a finger inside of her. Then it was another and she felt as if she was coming unglued. The moans and pleading that she heard in the room sounded like her voice but she wasn’t sure who was saying them. She felt her body crest and then all of her limbs were like warm liquid, it took too much effort to move or to even think. There was John holding her tightly against his body and she lifted an arm to hold him closer. Tangled together they fell asleep.

  Ariel woke up alone. There was a note along with a key to the house on the counter in the kitchen.

  Ariel –

  I had to go to a mandatory fitness test at work this morning. Take your time getting ready and I left you a key to lock up when you leave. I’ll call you later.


  It felt almost wrong being in the house without him there. Ariel dressed, grabbed an apple from the fridge and left in under an hour.

  Worked seemed like it went on and on lasting forever; or at least for several more hours than it should have lasted. Ariel kept checking her phone to make sure she hadn’t missed a call or text from John. It hadn’t rung and there were no texts to read. As she rode the employee shuttle out to the remote parking lot at the end of the night the screen lit up mentioning with a signal that a text came in.

  Sorry I haven’t had time to call, I spent the afternoon doing paperwork and responded to a 5 car pileup at the end of my shift and just got home a little bit ago.

  That text made all of her worries and her stomach clenching go away. John wasn’t rejecting her after last night; he was just busy at work all day. He probably hadn’t spent the day checking his phone or even thinking about her, he was busy trying to help others while he was at work. Walking from the shuttle stop to her car Ariel typed in a hasty reply.

  That’s ok, I had a busy day too.

  Her phone buzzed again before she started her car.

  Why don’t you go home and pick up Bruno and come over, I have tomorrow off so we can go to the dog park and get breakfast in the morning if you want.

  Ariel drove home with a smile on her face. John wanted to see her again. She packed a bag with essentials for the next day and loaded Bruno into the car, quickly telling her roommate good night and sneaking Saucy a treat. She had butterflies in her stomach on the way over. The night before had been magical, she had never felt so close to someone, never been so intimate with a man or felt so cherished. It was something that she vowed to never forget.

  John opened the front door for her before she even knocked on it. Bruno ran into the house before her and started running circles around John. John took her bag out of her hands and tossed it inside the door giving her a hug and a long lingering kiss that made her knees feel weak. He tasted like beer and cigarettes, and that signature taste of John. Ariel let her body mold to his and he pulled her closer. Her hands slipped under his shirt she pulled him as close to her as she could, moaning in her throat as they kissed.

  “Hey you two, get a room.”

  Ariel startled at the sound of the voice and the chuckling that came after it. Jeff, Brad and another guy were lounging in the living room watching TV and from the scattered beer cans around the living room they had been hanging out for a little while.

  “Why get a room when we already have one?” John laughed and lifted his head looking into her eyes.

  “Do you want a beer?”

  “No thanks, I’ll end just end up falling asleep.”

  John gestured toward the recliner he had just vacated and went into the kitchen returning a few minutes later with another 6 pack from the fridge. The guys were all loud and boisterous, John included. When he returned Ariel got up from his chair and he plopped into it, grabbing Ariel around the waist and pulling her into his lap.

  “Jeff throw me the blanket from on the back of the couch please.”

  John draped the blanket around them and popped the top of his beer. Ariel rested her head on his shoulder. John looked down at her and whispered.

  “Don’t go falling asleep on me; I have plans for us later.”

  Ariel whispered back.

  “I wouldn’t miss those plans for anything in the world.”

  As the night wore on the guys had more to drink and the atmosphere seemed more party like than anything. By 3am Ariel was getting tired and John’s friends finally seemed to be heading home for the night. John picked up the beer cans littering his living room and let the dogs out one final time. Ariel went back to the master bedroom and took her overnight bag with her. She had something planned for this evening. Inside the bag was a pair of lace boy short panties and a matching lacy nightie to go with it. Slipping into the sexy lingerie Ariel sprayed a little bit of perfume on her body and let her hair down, she brushed it a few times and then looked at herself in the mirror. Putting on a touch of lip gloss to draw attention to her mouth and a little more eye shadow to give her eyes a smoky effect she smiled at the seductive woman who was staring back at her.

  Being sexy was a bit of a new feeling, Ariel had never worn something with the sole purpose of seducing a man, but this, this outfit said everything that she needed to say. Returning to the bedroom she turned on the lamp on her side of the bed and clicked the TV off. She heard John in the hallway and propped herself up on the pillows facing the door to the room with her legs bent beneath her. When John opened the door and saw her his eyes went dark and he stood stock still in the doorway. The dogs came clambering down the hall behind him but John shut them out in the hallway and walked into the room.

  “You look absolutely beautiful Ariel. It took me a second to believe that you’re really there in my bed like that and not just in my dreams.”

  She blushed and felt it all the way to her toes. Her nipples were already painfully hard just feeling his eyes on her in this way. Even though he had been drinking all evening he looked serious, he was surely a man on a mission.

  “It would be stupid of me to ask if you did this for me, I know you must have. I’m just standing here wondering how I got lucky enough to have someone like you waiting in my bed for me.”

  John came forward and sat on the bed, turning his body to face hers.

  “Are you sure about this?’

  Ariel nodded. Her voice had escaped her at this time. She wasn’t sure that this was going to work, but now that it was go time she had just a second to question whether she had made the right decision. Should she wait? It didn’t seem fair to deny herself or John the satisfaction of taking this further and exploring the passion that they both obviously felt for each other.

  It seemed that the nod of her head was all that John needed. He was beside her in a flash kissing her lips, face and neck. His hands seemed to be everywhere at once, he was touching her like a man who was stranded in a d
esert without water and she was the water to quench that thirst. In seconds it seemed, but it was probably at least ten minutes John was on top of her. His knee had nudged her legs apart and he worked those lacy panties right off of her and threw them to the floor over his shoulder. The look in his eyes was so intense it almost scared her, but then, then he leaned down and sucked on her nipple right through the sexy lingerie and Ariel arched right up off the bed. His knee opened her legs just a little bit more and he settled in between them. He was only wearing his briefs now and Ariel could see his cock straining in the tight underwear. John was slowly inching the nightie up her body and pulled it over her head to reveal her naked body. Ariel didn’t feel ashamed or afraid, but she did feel cold without him touching her. She reached up and pulled him to her and he came down with a kiss that felt like it went to her soul. His hand was rubbing her clit slowly and then she felt a finger slowly delve into her pussy. She was so wet that she was embarrassed; she could feel her body dripping with moisture for this man. John just smiled down at her and she felt a larger pressure pushing into her body. Slowly John inched his way inside of her and then she felt a burning and pinching feeling. John kissed her again and pushed himself all the way inside her tight channel. Ariel felt tears in her eyes and shut her eyes tight. John kissed her face all over and held himself with steely control above her.

  “I never want to hurt you Ariel. I promise that this will never hurt again.” His whispers warmed her skin and made her feel loved. Slowly she felt him move. He eased back and into her again slowly and after a few minutes he built up speed and was slamming his body into hers. She was sore and the pain she felt wasn’t terrible, it was tolerable and she enjoyed seeing the look of absolute rapture on John’s face. With a shuddering breath John finished and collapsed on the bed next to her.