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Brothers in Blue: The First Love Match Page 8

  After a few minutes he got up and went into the bathroom quietly, she heard the toilet flush and the bed dipped as he climbed back in. She wasn’t on the pill, she had an appointment to go see her doctor to get on the pill but that wouldn’t be until next month. She would have to make sure that he had condoms to use until that happened; hopefully he had used one tonight as well. John had his eyes shut and had reached over to drape an arm across her abdomen. Ariel got up and went into the bathroom to clean up. When she returned to the bed she heard John snoring quietly. So this was sex. It wasn’t as wonderful as her friends had described it. She certainly hadn’t enjoyed it nearly as much as John had appeared to. She hoped that next time would be a little better than this. John was sound asleep, he hadn’t even stayed up long enough to make sure that she was ok. That hurt her feelings a little, but she knew he had been drinking all evening so that had probably caught up with him at this point. Ariel turned off the lamp and decided it was time to sleep. She would sort out the rest of this in the morning.

  As awkward morning afters went this certainly qualified as one. John was unusually quiet and reserved when Ariel found him outside as the dogs ran back and forth chasing the ball he threw. He looked up and mumbled a good morning and gestured for Ariel to take a seat at the patio table he was sitting near. Neither of them spoke for a few minutes. Ariel felt self conscious and had put on sweat pants and a t shirt before she went outside.

  “I’m sorry Ariel.” John said.

  “For what?”

  “Last night, it should have been better for you, I knew you were a virgin and I was going to wait and not rush things.”

  “I think I’m the one who rushed things a bit, I don’t want to be treated like a child John, I’m a grown up.”

  “Still, I was drinking and I fell asleep without even making sure that you finished.”

  “It was fine John.”

  “OK, do you want to go get breakfast and help me shop for the cook - out I’m having tomorrow afternoon?”

  “That sounds perfect.” She responded.

  Breakfast was a quick meal at I Hop and then a trip to Publix where John bought ribs, burgers and hotdogs to throw on the grill the next afternoon. It was hot out and a Florida storm was looming on the horizon for the afternoon. They rushed the groceries into the house and spent the afternoon peeling potatoes for the potato salad while the rain fell outside and the dogs slept on the living room rug. After boiling the potatoes and mixing up the salad John put it in the fridge in the garage to wait for the next afternoons event. Ariel collapsed onto the couch and put her feet up onto the coffee table. John came into the living room and smiled at her on the couch. Ariel looked up to meet his eyes and her heart just melted. He was looking at her like she was the most beautiful women in the world and she felt like it when she was with him.

  “Ariel, do you want to go and lay in bed and I’ll rub your back for a little bit?”

  “That sounds perfect.”

  She got up and John followed her into the bedroom where she laid on the bed John sat on the edge next to her.

  “You have to roll onto your stomach if you want me to rub your back.”

  She rolled over and John started with her neck, slowly pushing her hair out of the way and running his fingers through her hair. He moved to her shoulders and made his way down her body to her feet.

  “Roll over Ariel.”

  She rolled onto her back and looked up straight into John’s eyes. He leaned forward slowly and kissed her gently on the lips.

  “Let me make up for last night, I want to treat your body the way it should be treated.”

  All she could do was nod.

  “You just relax and let me make this good for you.”

  Another little nod and John stood up pulling his shirt over his head. His tight abs rippled as he lowered his arms and unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. He let them slide down his body, taking his belt off and smiling at her.

  “Do you mind if I tie your hands up? It increases the sensations you’ll feel and I promise I’m only going to make you feel good.”

  She nodded and felt herself blushing while John wrapped the belt securely around her hands and through the headboard of his bed.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed again he started pulling her sweatpants down her body and then pulled her t shirt up over her head and left it covering her face. She felt him reach under her body and unfasten her bra, then let it lay open. Not being able to see where he was looking and what he intended to do next was unnerving, but exciting. He had promised it was going to be wonderful and she believed that he meant it. John kissed her face and neck, sucking on her shoulders. It felt so intimate to be in bed with him like this in his room in the middle of the day. She let herself moan loudly as he moved to her breasts. It was amazing, his mouth was so warm and wet and then he lightly bit her nipple and she felt it all the way into her stomach. He worked his way south nibbling on her stomach and licking her lightly. As he got closer and closer to her pussy he moved down her hip and to her thigh skipping her special places all together. She whimpered in frustration and heard him laugh to himself. He kissed down her leg to her feet and back up the other leg. This time he didn’t skip any of her places, he lavished her pussy with his tongue and started to gently finger her while he licked her as well. She felt the orgasm building and building and right when she was about to come he stopped. A few moments later he repositioned himself and she felt him gently pushing himself into her, she tensed a little, she was still sore from last night. John started kissing her again.

  “Relax baby, it’s going to be good this time.”

  John started gently thrusting in and out of her and he reached for something next to the bed and stopped for a moment. When he started again she felt that he was slippery and she felt a warm sensation inside of her. He must have used some sort of a lube. Willing her body to fully relax she concentrated on the feel of him inside of her and then he stopped.

  “Why don’t you get on top?”

  “I’m not sure I know how?”

  “It’s easy.” John eased off her and unhooked his belt from the bed. He let her hands loose but left the shirt over her head. She reached up to remove it but he put his hands over hers.

  “Just relax little one. Let me look at you and you focus just on feeling not seeing and hearing. Throw your leg over me and ease yourself down onto my dick.”

  Ariel sat slowly on his dick and feeling it deep inside of her at this angle was so good. She leaned forward and put her hands on either side of John’s head and he rewarded her with a thorough sucking on each of her nipples. She moved her hips experimentally and John put his hands on her hips guiding her slowly up and down on his cock. She leaned back and he took one of his hands and rubbed her clit while she slid up and down his shaft slowly. She threw her head back and focused on riding his dick while he rubbed her over and over in circles. Finally she couldn’t take anymore and her whole body went rigid as the spasms shook her. She felt John let go as well and she could feel the warm spray of his semen inside of her. That was enough to shock her out of her glazed happiness.

  “Did you use a condom?”

  “No, aren’t you on the pill?”

  “No, I was a virgin remember?”

  “Yeah, I know, I just thought that if you had planned on seducing me you would have taken some measures for birth control.”

  “I’’m sorry John I wasn’t thinking about that, I just thought that guys usually have that stuff around.”

  John was shaking his head and laid back onto the bed.

  “Ariel I’m not ready to have a family right now, we have to be responsible, I’m sure that a crying infant wasn’t in your immediate plans either.”

  The mood had shifted and Ariel got out of bed, feeling cum slipping down the inside of her thigh. She walked into the bathroom quietly shutting the door and turned on the water for the shower. As soon as it was warm she got in and sat in the bottom of the tub as she started to cr
y. Her feelings were still hurt from last night, and she was confused about how she felt, what were John’s thoughts on this turn to their relationship? He had been really upset about the condoms, he had been pissed and she had seen a side of him that she hadn’t seen before. Why would he be so angry at her when it seemed like he had been hinting the whole time about taking things slow, waiting till marriage, meeting his family etc. Had it all been a game to him to get her into bed with him? She didn’t think so, but things had changed for her. She cried in his shower and finally when she began to prune up she stood and turned off the water.

  Drying off and getting dressed she took her time and when she went back into the bedroom John was gone. He was sitting in the living room watching TV talking on his cell phone with someone talking about the baseball game he was planning on going to next week. Ariel gathered up her things and felt John watching her. She had the dog collar clipped on the dog and was about to walk out the front door when John told the person he was talking to that he would call them back in a minute and hung up.

  “You ok.”

  “Yeah, I have some things to do at home, some errands I need to run.”

  “Alright, you going to come over tomorrow and eat some ribs?”

  “Umm, maybe it would be best if you had some time with your friends, I don’t want to be in the way.”

  “Don’t get weird on me Ariel, I want you to be there and meet some of my friends who you haven’t met before. Please come and keep me company. I may have over reacted a little back in there. I know you were a virgin and I should have been more proactive in the birth control area since you don’t have much experience with that stuff. I’m sorry for being a jerk about it, I was just scared.”

  “I understand. I guess I just had always heard that guys kept condoms everywhere and assumed that you did as well. It’s my fault too and I should have asked you.”

  “So will you come to my cook out?”

  “Yes, I’ll be there.”

  Driving home Ariel had second thoughts about the cook out. The way John had reacted to her today hurt her feelings. She argued to herself for a while and then decided that she would have to go. Her errands that afternoon did get her mind off of things, she had to go grocery shopping, make dinner, go to the mall and buy a few items for work and by the time she was done she was exhausted. She thought about calling a friend or her mom to talk, but anyone who knew her pretty well would be able to tell that she was upset and had something weighing on her mind. She settled for watching some television and curling up in her bed before midnight to a fitful sleep.

  The next morning she woke up early and made breakfast. Sean must have stayed at his girlfriends, he wasn’t home. She let both of the dogs out and watched the news headlines. She heard her cell phone and saw it was a message from John asking her to come over a little early and help get things ready if she was able to. She responded that she would and he wrote back to just come on in the house, he would be out in the back yard where the ribs were soon going to be placed into his smoker. After showering and dressing in a red and white checked halter dress with strappy sandals that seemed to fit the mood of the party she got in her car and made her way over to John’s.

  There were two other cars in the driveway when she arrived. She walked into the house and out the French doors into the backyard. John and an older couple and another guy were seated around the patio table. John stood as she approached and gave her a hug and peck on the lips. He introduced her to everyone around the table but she noticed it was just a first name introduction, he did not say if she was his girlfriend, friend or significant other, just Ariel. His friends were kind and John pulled up another chair for her to sit in next to him. More people arrived and John was busy cooking and spending time with his friends. Everyone seemed to know each other and Ariel felt a bit out of place. Wanting to be of use she asked John if she could do anything to help and went into the house to gather the items he had requested she set out.

  The smoker was over near the kitchen windows and Ariel slid them open to ask John which bar b- cue sauces he wanted her to grab for him when she heard him having a conversation in low tones with Jeff.

  “So whats going on with your girl?”

  “What girl?”

  “Your girlfriend. The other night you and her couldn’t keep your hands off of each other so I know you must have fucked her by now. How was she?”

  “Jeff, I’m not going to answer that, it’s not any of your business.”

  “Man, she’sa lot younger than you, are you just messing around or are you serious about her? Those kinds of girls don’t usually just mess around; she seems like the sort of girl who wants a family someday, and some stability.”

  “Shit, I know that Jeff. I think I fucked up with her.”

  “What happened?”

  “I was trying to do the right thing, you know, take things slow and just be friendly and all that, but she dressed up in this little lacy number the other night and I just couldn’t keep my hands to myself. I let things get out of hand and she’s not even on the pill.”

  “Well you used a condom right?”

  “No, twice with no condom and she was a virgin.”

  “A virgin?”


  “Well, she’s already looking at you with those puppy dog eyes, looks like she’s fallen pretty hard for you. If you’re not going to make this a long term thing I think it’s only fair that you tell her now, and of course give her my number.”

  “Very funny Jeff, it’s not that I don’t like her, or want her, I’m just not ready to be stuck. I’m going to have to talk to her and make sure she understands, you really thought she was looking at me with that look, huh? I was just in a long term relationship that went bad. I just want to relax and let things happen as they do, I’m not trying to rush this.”

  “Then I think you better talk to her soon. It was kind of shitty to take her virginity and then tell her that you aren’t ready to commit.”

  “Dammit Jeff, I know that. It just happened.”

  Ariel took a step back from the window and whirled around walking right into something. Brad was standing behind her and as she collided with him she was sure that he had heard the same conversation that she had just overheard taking place outside the window. She flushed bright red. How embarrassing. It was bad enough that John just told his friend that she basically begged him to take her virginity but now two of his friends and she also knew that he didn’t even want to be in a relationship with her. She just kept repeating in her head that she shouldn’t’ cry, crying wasn’t going to help her in this situation, but she knew she had to get out of this situation and fast. She mumbled something to Brad, it was probably incoherent but she didn’t care, if she had it her way she would never see him again. Thankful that all she had brought with her was her phone she grabbed it off the desk in the den and walked back out the front door. Thankfully no one was blocking her car in the driveway; she slipped into her car and drove home.

  How stupid, she should have known that this guy wasn’t really into her; she was a cheap rebound that he was mildly amused with. He had even attempted to keep things somewhat platonic and instead of reading the signs she had let it all go over her head and just made a big mess of things. At least it could be ended easily before she went thinking they were in a real relationship or something. Who was she kidding? She already had thought this was real, so real she had given up her virginity only to find out he wasn’t interested in anything with her.

  As she reached her house she grabbed her purse and cell phone from the cup holder in her center console. She grabbed her keys and went into the house collapsing onto the sofa. Her phone was vibrating on the coffee table and she picked it up, it was John. There was no way she was going to have this embarrassing conversation with him. She hit ignore and turned on the TV wishing her roommate was home to chat with. He always had a way of cheering her up when she was down. After a while she let the dogs out and took a warm shower, th
e whole time trying not to think of how good John’s hands would feel on her body. He was the sort of man that made her feel safe inside, but now he had broken her trust.

  Ariel went to sleep early and slept fitfully, dreams of John flitted through her mind and she woke as the first rays of morning sunshine entered her room. She decided that today would be the first day of her new life, the life where she didn’t let anyone hurt her ever again. She could prevent it if she never gave anyone else the chance. Changing into shorts and a lightweight t-shirt she laced up her Nike’s and went for a morning jog. Returning home she saw her roommate’s vehicle in the driveway and went inside. They watched the news together and Ariel made lunch while Sean did his laundry. Maybe this was the best sort of relationship for her, no strings, no deep emotional feelings but still the companionship that she craved. She decided that she would work this weekend, she had no intention of dinner with John’s family that was for sure. She called Ed at work and he told her she was free to come in and work her shift at the ER, they were short a morning staff person so the sooner she came in the better anyhow.

  As she went into work she glanced down at her phone before turning it off. There were messages, all from John. The first:

  Where did you go? Did something happen? Why did you leave early?

  Ariel, Call me when you get this I’m really worried about you

  And the last message:

  Brad just told me that you overheard me talking to Jeff, shit, I’m sorry. Will you please come by this evening so we can talk about this? Let me explain.

  She held down the power button until the phone turned off, not only was she not going to respond to this she was just going to let the so called relationship end without all the drama that some girls seemed to enjoy. She just saw herself getting hurt over and over and didn’t want to be sucked in by anymore nice gestures. The doors to the ER entrance opened with a whoosh and Ariel smiled at Jim the afternoon security who usually hung around the lobby. Swiping her badge the next set of double doors opened for her and she clocked in to work. The day went by rather quickly and she even stayed a half hour later than usual to let her night supervisor take an early lunch break. She didn’t want to go home or even to the parking lot, she was worried that John would be out there waiting to talk to her.